Concrete bridgewater style double romans with a bold roll.
ViewReclaimed Welsh Slate in various sizes from 6×12 to 24×12
We also have a large selection of random large slates.
ViewWe carry a range or reclaimed handmade nib tiles.
Please enquire regarding current stock as it can change regularly.
We carry a range of reclaimed handmade and machine made valleys.
Please enquire regarding current stocks.
We have 1000s of Reclaimed Continuous Nib
Clay Tiles in the yard all different shades from light weathered to dark weathered
Genuine Reclaimed Marley bold rolls.
Please enquire about current stocks as they can change regularly.
Reclaimed Bridgewater somerset 13’s with an inverted V
ViewReclaimed Bridgewater somerset 4’s.
ViewPlease enquire regarding current stock as it can change regularly.
ViewPlease enquire about current stocks as they can change regularly.